Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sectionalized reading - Chapter 5

First I will give you the line and page of the section and then I’ll shortly present the content and finally I will tell you my thoughts and feelings.

1.Section: p.34 ll. 1-16
Content: -they talk every moring about their dreams
Thoughts/Feelings:  I think it’s strange to talk about your dreams, because I think it’s kinda your privacy and I wouldn’t talk about something I dreamed.
-against the rules to have privacy/don’t talk about dreams?

2.Section p.34 l.27 – p.35 l.19
Content: - Jonas tells about his dream: wanted to bathe Fiona
Thoughts/Feelings: - normal that you have such dreams in your puberty, but I wouldn’t tell about it, I think it’s awkward to talk about this with your parents

3. Section p.35 ll.20-39
Content: -Jonas has to describe his strongest feeling in his dream
Thoughts/Feelings: -if I were in Jonas’ situation, I think I tried to leave as soon as possible, and he’s really naive, normally you know in that age why you dream something like that and Jonas doesn’t

4.Section p.36 ll.1-26
Content:-mother talks again with Jonas, but privately(without Lily),
Thoughts/Feelings:- Why doesn’t he leave?
-I think he feels uncomfortable in this situation
-afraid about if he has to report it someone else, I would feel the same, it’s strange enough that you have to talk about it with your parents and I would not want that someone else know it

5. Section p.36 l.27- p.37 l.18
Content: Jonas is ready to take pills against the “stirrings”
Thoughts/Feelings:- why does everybody take pills because of this?
-To keep his sexual actions/feelings/dreams under control?
=> confusing

6. Section p.37 ll.18-18
Content: Jonas rides his bicycle to school and remembers the dream
Thoughts/Feelings: -the pils let you forget the dream
-Jonas liked it
=> Does he have to take the pills if he likes the “stirrings”?

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