Thursday, March 3, 2011

Summary - Chapter One

In the first Chapter you get to know Jonas and his family and find out in what world they’re living.
The story begins with Jonas, who’s looking for the right word to describe his feeling. He knows that “frightened” isn’t the correct word, because he remembers the day, when an aircraft overflew his community.  Later Jonas decides that he feels apprehensive about the approaching “Ceremony of Twelve”, which every adult had been trough. 

Jonas lives in a community, you don’t know the name, with strict rules and if you break a rule or do violations you will be punished. The worst punishment is that you will be released.

In the community even exists a rule for a family unit: You only can have 2 children, a boy and a girl, and of course a mother and a father. Jonas' father is a Nurturer, he cares for the “newchildren”, his mother has a prominent position at the Department of Justice and his sister is a Seven that means that she’s in the group of the seven year’s old kids. 

Another ritual is that you have to talk about your feeling that day after the dinner. This should help them, because they can comfort each other, they get to know how they shall act in difficult situations and because they can handle better with their feelings.  

In the end, when Jonas says that he feels apprehensive about the Ceremony of Twelve, his parents want to talk to him privately.


  1. That sounds interesting - a Ceremony of Twelve. Can you tell what that is exactly?
    I like the aspect that you are writing about the family sharing their feelings. "This should help them, because they can comfort each other", you say - what do you think: Would such talks be useful in our socitey as well?

  2. The Ceremony of Twelve is the last Ceremony you have to pass and there the elders, the oldest people of the community, choose the final assignment. The assignment is like a job, but you can't quit so you have to do it you entire life.

    And as a answer to your question about sharing their feelings and if such talks are useful in our socitey: I think it can be helpful, but it depends on the person and family. Some people don't like to talk about their feelings other do. But in my opinion it would be better if you sit, maybe twice in a week, with you family and talk about your feelings. Maybe it would make the connection in the family stronger or something like that.
