Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Summary - Chapter Four

The chapter begins with Jonas, who’s searching Asher to do his volunteer hours with him. You get to know that you can choose where you spend you hours and Jonas spend his hours at different places to experience the differences.

Riding his bike through the community he passes the Rehabilitation Center, where Benjamin does his volunteer hours each day since four years. Jonas is impressed that Benjamin is skilled now as a Rehabilitation Directors, but you can’t talk about that without breaking the rule that you talk too proudly of one’s own accomplishments.  Then he passes the Childcare Center, where Lily stays after school. 

Later he finds Asher, who’s doing his volunteer hours with a girl named Fiona at the House of the Old. All of his volunteer hours will be tabulated at the Hall of Open Records. Jonas helps Asher and Fiona to bath the Old. He’s thinking about the rule that you aren’t allowed to look at another’s nakedness, except of newchildren or the Old. 

While Jonas is helping “Larissa”, he’s talking with her about the Release of Roberto and Edna this morning. Larissa talks about the process of Release and says that Roberto even was happy to be released. Finally Jonas helps her from the tub.

1 comment:

  1. I can well understand what happens in chapter four with the help of your summary. A few questions came to my mind whilst reading your post:

    - Why do children have to do volunteer hours?
    - What about the strange rule of nakedness? Do you think that works in a community?
    - What exactly is the process of release? Why was ROberto happy to be released?
